En av mina bilder från Göta Älv finns både på webb och i manual för klocktillverkaren Pansar Swedens nya klockmodell Elvan.
The name Elvan (Älvan) or 11 is a play on words. Älvan is a human-like creature from Swedish mythology similar to an elf or fairy. She is often a young beautiful female, and one can sometimes see her dancing in the mist. The feminine form of alv. No.11 (Eleven) is elva in Swedish which represents our 11:th year and 11:th model. Älv also means river and is the place of our workshop. Situated in the green vallys of Göta, next to the Göta Älv. We are celebrating our history in watchmaking with a special anniversary edition. Manufactured and assembled in our own workshop. We are proud to say Made in Sweden.